More Americans growing concerned about Israeli, Saudi influence in US

RNA - “More and more people in the United States are becoming increasingly critical of American foreign policy and these policies involving constant wars to overthrow the governments of other countries,” said Keith Preston, chief editor of

“Also, more and more Americans are becoming aware of the role that the Israeli lobby has over American foreign policy and over the American government … and more people are becoming aware of the influence that the Saudi Arabians have over the American government, particularly after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi,” Preston told Press TV on Sunday.

“So what seems to be happening is that there are various elements in the United States that are aligned with Israel and that are aligned with Saudi Arabia and ironically they’re trying to fan the flames of anti-Muslim sentiment to justify the kind of imperialist foreign policy paradigm that the United State has traditionally adhered to,” he added.

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has condemned Republicans for linking her to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, saying it's "no wonder" she is on the "hit list" of a domestic terrorist.

Recently, a poster linking the Muslim lawmaker to the 9/11 attack was reportedly hung in West Virginia’s state legislature by Republican lawmakers.

Omar, is a Democrat member of the US House of Representatives who represents Minnesota's 5th congressional district in the lower chamber of Congress. Along with Rashida Tlaib, she was one of the first two Muslim women elected to the lower chamber of Congress and the first woman of color elected from Minnesota.

Some pro-Israel US politicians have accused Omar of anti-Semitic comments because she has been a staunch critic of Israel and its anti-Muslim policies in the Middle East. She has also repeatedly slammed the main Israeli lobby in the US, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Speaking on Wednesday night at an event in Washington, DC with fellow Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Omar dismissed anti-Semitic charges against her, saying everything they say about Israel is interpreted as anti-Semitic because they are Muslim.
