60% of Americans Oppose Trump's Emergency Declaration to Fund Wall

RNA - Sixty percent of respondents voiced disapproval to the move Trump made last month, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

The survey found that 53 percent strongly disapproved of using a national emergency to divert military funds for construction of a border while 7 percent said they "somewhat" disapprove. 

Meanwhile, 39 percent of respondents stated that they did support a national emergency to fund a border wall. Just 1 percent of Americans polled were unsure. 

The poll comes weeks after Trump declared a national emergency to allocate unappropriated funding to build a border wall. Trump made the announcement as he agreed to sign a congressional spending bill without the $5.7 billion in funds he wanted for a steel barrier along the border. 

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also found that just 37 percent of respondents believe Trump has been honest when it comes to the Russia investigation. Fifty-eight percent believe he hasn't been truthful about the probe. 

In addition, 48 percent of respondents noted that special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russia's election interference has given them increasing doubts about Trump. Forty-seven percent said it has given them no more doubts. 

Mueller's investigation into Russia's election interference and possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign is believed to be nearing its conclusion. Trump has repeatedly derided the probe as a "witch hunt".
