The need to pay attention to "sexuality education" in Islam and its difference with Western "sex education" (Part 3)

RNA - Sex education in secular societies with religious communities is so different in the purpose and the method of teaching as well as the content of education.

As training in the general sense requires education, sexuality education cannot be realized without education; therefore, sex education is a ground for sexuality education, and is: "Providing an accurate overview of physical and mental changes in puberty and guiding Teens about their behavior towards themselves and others and how to express their interest and affection in the right, reasonable way and to prevent sexual deviations.

But the debate about sexuality education, which is part of general education, is a long-term source. As many changes and developments have taken place in the field of education, sexuality education has also undergone changes. This matter has been taken into consideration from the past and has engaged human thought; however, how and in what way these instincts are addressed, in each of the thinking and religious schools, each one, in accordance with the goals and values of the ruling have chosen bases, principles and methods.

Sexuality education in a sense beyond sex education is the application of ways to create healthy sexual behaviors, and the elimination of inappropriate sexual traits and behaviors in humans.

However, sexuality education has a wider meaning than sex education, therefore, sexuality education is a set of educational measures, including instruction in rules and ethics, guidance, care and application of the principles and methods that promote the growth of sexual instinct for excellence and development of child sexual personality in a way that does not degenerate at a later age, and can use this instinct in a way to carry out marital duties, as well as personal and social development.

The goals of sexuality education based on Faiz Kashani's viewpoint

Some experts, based on the views of Faiz Kashani have considered the goals of sexuality education as a balanced response to the sexual instinct, the completion and evolution of human beings, the survival and protection of the generations, the comfort of life, and the establishment of a healthy society.

Another scholar divides the goals of sexuality education from the perspective of Islam into two categories of ultimate goal and intermediate goals. He writes about the ultimate goal of sexuality education:

The ultimate goal of sexuality education is the ultimate goal of religious education, namely, the sacrifice of Allah, and the achievement of divine perfection and divine righteousness. Sexuality education is a subset of the system of education, so all the bases, principles, methods and activities related to the sex of men and women should be in the proper state of affairs, which is the same satisfaction of God.

Intermediate goals mean optimal conditions that participate with the ultimate goal. These goals are twofold: general and behavioral goals. Behavioral goals provide and facilitate the achievement of general objectives.

The general goals of sexuality education

  1. Providing the perfect platform for healthy sexual growth
  2. Understanding and appropriate expectation of your sexual identity
  3. Correct and normal sexual instinct satisfaction
  4. Preventing sexual deviations and creating a clean environment in society
  5. Preparing girl and boy for a healthy family life

The need to pay attention to the gender differences of girls and boys

The basic point in sexuality education is the attention to sexual characteristics and the different effects of puberty on either sex. Paying attention to these differences can answer many of our questions about the difference between male and female performance. In his book, William Gardner writes: George Guilder states in his very interesting book, Human and Marriage, that research shows that men and women are very different from birth, but men around puberty; they are completely different from women. Since then, the man is not just full of energy, and all these energies require cultural guidance. Women, of course, do not face such biological disturbances because they are known very soon that they have a miraculous capacity to give birth to another human.

Based on the foregoing, parents and educational institutions that are the main source of education for the education of children, adolescents and young people should pay attention to the sexual differences between girls and boys and provide them with the necessary information and training in accordance with their needs and create the capabilities needed to control and properly use sexual instinct.

The End

Muharram Atashafrouz

Translated by Mahdi Sadafi