Teacher in the Islamic Seminary:‎
Satan attacking the family

RNA – In a ceremony held on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra ‎held in Tehran’s al-Hadi Mosque, Hujjat al-Islam Masoud Aali, a teacher in the Islamic ‎Seminary, said, “One of the signs of the end times is attacks by Satan on the family.”‎

His Eminence stated that women are the centrepiece of the family, and continued, “From the ‎perspective of Islam, the position of the family is very sacred and God has established the ‎family so that people achieve peace and security through it.”‎

Emphasizing that the home and family are the places of worship, self-discipline and training, ‎he said, “Forgiveness and kindness are among the basic principles that must be given special ‎attention in the family so the members of the family can achieve closeness to God through ‎this means.”‎

Hujjat al-Islam Aali‏ ‏considered love and kindness as among the other very important ‎principles that must be observed in the family between couples and children and noted, ‎‎“Love strengthens the bond between family members.”‎

His Eminence stressed that kindness to parents as one of the most important Islamic ‎recommendations and stated, “Kindness to one’s parents prolongs one’s life and increases ‎one’s substance. According to narrations, sometimes the child doesn’t renounce his or her ‎parents during their lives but after their death, they renounce them and this is due to the lack ‎of kindness by the child to his or her parents.”‎

He emphasized that parents must be friends and companions with their children and said, ‎‎“This friendship prevents the deviations and misdirection of children in society.”‎

Rasa News Agency
