US ignoring Palestinians’ rights to delight Israelis
Israel - Palestine

RNA - Erekat’s comments came a day after Trump declared his decision to nominate hardliner David Friedman as the US ambassador to Israel.


Paul Larudee, co-founder of the Free Palestine Movement from Berkeley, says US leaders have always victimized justice when it came to the Palestinian people in a bid to make the Israel lobby and the Israeli regime happy.


“The message that the US is sending to the Palestinians is similar to the messages it has been sending for the last 70 years, which is that the United States really does not care about justice,” Larudee told Press TV Friday night.


“The United States is only interested in what it considers to be political imperative both domestically in terms of support from the Israel lobby and internationally," the activist said.


"The people who make policy in Washington are the ones who believe falsely that the best opportunity for US power is to make common cause with Israel and to destroy Israel’s enemies,” he added.


According to the activist, Trump’s plan to send a hardliner to Israel as the new US ambassador is "just another kick in the teeth from the United States to the Palestinian people.”


"The American authorities along with the Israeli regime want to tell Palestinians that 'we want to get rid of you one way or another,'" Larudee said.


Trump is pro-Israel and has many alliances from the Israeli groups which he wants in the White House, he said.


So, Trump "is willing to do whatever they want no matter how bloodthirsty the policy may be,” Larudee added.


"The rest is just window-dressing to make it look like maybe we’re going to have some respect for the international community and international law.”


The US, the acitivist said, is not really respecting international law, because it does not hold the Israeli regime accountable to international standards.


American and Israeli ambitious plans for the East Jerusalem al-Quds are contrary to previous agreements over occupied territories. The Palestinian Authority wants East al-Quds as its capital with the West Bank as part of a future independent Palestinian state.
