Ayatollah Ka’bi:
Proximity between sects strategy to strengthen Muslim ummah
Ayatollah Ka’bi

RNA – In a meeting with two Lebanese Sunni scholars on Wednesday night, Ayatollah Abbas Ka’bi, a member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, stressed on the need for unity among Lebanese Muslims and said, “Proximity between sects is a strategic issue that will strengthen the Muslim ummah.”


The representative of Khuzestan in the Assembly of Experts described Iran as a powerful country and added that despite the many pressures on Iran, it doesn’t retreat from its principles and added, “The United States’ problem with Iran isn’t over nuclear issues but rather the US wants to Iran to end its support for the Islamic Resistance and Islamic countries.”


Referring to Saudi Arabia’s aggression against Yemen, said that the resistance of the Yemeni people has led to Saudi Arabia facing a large number of problems which will lead to their overthrow and destruction.


“Yemen for Saudi Arabia will be like Vietnam was for the US. This country, with its patience, strength and unity, stunned and surprised the US, Israel and European nations,” he said.


Ayatollah Ka’bi said that the differences among the Al Saud family over the issue of succession and rule are other issues which will lead to the overthrow of the Al Saud and said, “The princes of the Al Saud are competing against each other and are divided over who should be king and who should get prominent positions in the government.”


The Iranian cleric explained that the third issue which will lead to the destruction of the Al Saud is the economic problems Saudi Arabia is facing, saying that housing and land prices have fallen sharply.


“The economy of Saudi Arabia is grappling with many challenges and problems such that traders and merchants don’t have any trust in the government and economic authorities of the country and are investing their capital in other countries,” he said.


Ayatollah Ka’bi added that several countries that were allies of the Al Saud until yesterday, are divided on various issues today and said, “The US seeks the interests of the countries in the region and as long as it benefits them, it supports certain countries, such as Saudi Arabia.”


He said that due to the various difficulties it faces, Saudi Arabia will soon be destroyed and face the same fate of the Shah of Iran and the dictators of Libya and Tunisia. “The toppling of the Al Saud is key to the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem,” he stressed.

