Abdullah Al-Muhaysini Leading Attacks on Idlib Residential Areas
Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, the religious leader of the Jeish al-Fatah

RNA - Sham Times quoted field and local sources as saying on Wednesday that al-Muhaysini has been seen between Brouma farms and al-Savaqiyeh region, adding that the attacks against the Foua'a and Kafraya residential areas are a morale-boost measure for the terrorists who have experienced continued defeats throughout the country in the last several months.


They added that the terrorists deployed in Idlib province rest assured that the clashes in Aleppo would end with their comrades' defeat and, hence, declined to take part in Aleppo war for the fear of losing their military and human resources.


The terrorist groups intensified their missile and mortar attacks on residential areas in the besieged towns of Foua'a and Kafraya on Wednesday to admittedly compensate for their comrades' defeats in Aleppo.


The terrorists attacked the civilian population in the two Shiite-populated towns of Foua'a and Kafraya with over 600 mortar shells and missiles, including Grad missiles, over the past three days, killing over 24 civilians and injuring dozens more.


The terrorists' rocket attacks also left many houses and a field hospital flattened.


The attacks were launched from the nearby towns of Binish, Savaqiyeh region, Taftnaz as well as Brouma farms West of Kafraya as well as the town of Ma'ar Tamsarin just to the North of Foua'a and Kafraya.


The terrorists also destroyed a field hospital in Foua'a depriving the wounded civilians from vital medical services.


The attacks came as Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in a recent video put on display their missile attacks on Foua'a and Kafraya, and warned that if the Syrian army continues its siege of Aleppo and its surrounding areas, they will considerably increase their missile and mortar attacks on the Shiite-populated towns.


The routine shootings of terrorist groups' snipers on civilians in Foua'a and Kafraya in addition to the spread of dangerous diseases have made life harder in the two small besieged towns in Northern Idlib.


The terrorists have kept a tight siege on the two towns for more three years now, while they have also stationed snipers to target any civilian who wants to seek help from outside or disobeys the militants' rules.


Many residents of Foua'a and Kafraya, specially children, are suffering infectious diseases, including shingles disease, with no access to drugs to treat or even soothe their pains.


The snipers are hunting down innocent civilians, including women and children, adding to the pains of the residents of these two regions amid international mum on the terrorists' crimes.


Local people in the two besieged towns of Foua'a and Kafraya complained in June of acute shortage of food, water and hygiene, warning of a major humanitarian catastrophe.


"It is one and a half years that Idlib province has collapsed and the two Shiite-populated towns of Foua'a and Kafraya are surrounded by terrorists," Abdol Latif Azal, one of the residents of Foua'a, wrote in a letter to FNA.


"There is no way to receive aid but by the army's helicopters whose aid is not sufficient for thousands of residents of the two towns; no one hears our voice," he added.


Noting that the UN has several times sent humanitarian aid to the two besieged towns, Azal said that unfortunately, a major part of the foodstuff were fake and outdated.


"We don’t know where the real aid is sent to but the reality is that they didn’t help thousands of hungry children. Kafraya and Foua'a are on the verge of a major humanitarian crisis for the lack of food, water and medicine," he warned.


Azal also said that everyday, a number of women, children and elderly people are attacked by terrorists and are killed or later succumb to their injuries due to the lack of hygiene and medical equipment.


The siege of Foua'a and Kafraya has taken over one year while the terrorists have killed hundreds of Shiites in these two towns and prevent delivery of food and medical aid to their residents.
