Liberation of Aleppo:
Start of New Era in Regional Equations
Syrian Forces

RNA - The United States and its coalition of regime changers are free to assume nothing is seriously wrong with what they have done to Syria for the past six years – including turning it into a hellhole and pushing Iran and Russia into confrontational mode. They can also refuse to own up to their proxy forces' war crimes and let it blind them to the urgent need to change course. But they can't keep fooling themselves anymore. These hard truths they have got to listen and understand - and learn from.


Syria is no longer a victim. No matter what the war-torn nation has been through, it is still here, and it has a history of undisputed victory over foreign-backed terrorism to prove it:


The Syrian Army is to announce a complete liberation of the northern city of Aleppo any moment now after hundreds of terrorists surrendered at the end of daylong secret talks with government officials. Facing outright elimination, the remaining few hundreds under a now very tight siege have also agreed to the Damascus terms to evacuate the city as quickly as possible.


This is while many more militants left the city on Green Buses Tuesday night after they removed barricades at Bab Al-Hadid Square (the Iron Gate), allowing civilians to evacuate the war zone hours earlier. The foreign-backed goons, most of whom have made dire threats against the West, also surrendered all Old Aleppo districts – a rebel bastion since 2012 - after the Syrian Army's swift advances.


The “we don’t even know who the rebels are” War Party in Washington might not like it any better than its regional vassal allies. But it’s time to face it. The people of Syria are not fighting for victory, but from victory, for God has already defeated the evildoers! The US-led regime-change campaign was clearly a losing strategy from day one. It lost them the status quo, international credibility, and the entire Mideast region.


Next they have to acknowledge that they have no say in post-war Syria politics. They should put the brakes on toying with the idea of a “safe zone” and end the debilitating war and hostilities, including illegal drone strikes, counterproductive occupation, and unethical support for Al-Qaeda-allied “moderate” goons.


A reminder that even with Aleppo under the allied forces’ control, the foreign-backed war on Syria would still be far from over. For the time being though, the international civil society needs to embrace the liberation of Aleppo or else move out of the way so that the Syrian Army and allied forces could continue to steamroll through the liberated city and fight the remaining radical jihadis into a standstill.


Of course, this is not how the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan and the Arab Emirates had hoped the proxy war would end – the globalist criminal candidate once hoped that their “moderate” terrorists would take over a "democratic", post-Assad Syria. That didn’t happen. Now they have very little to brag about, except responsibility for Syria blowback and a long history of failed policies and continued losses at war.


It is less a matter of ideology than of acknowledging the reality on the ground. The United States and coalition of regime changers -  you are not going to want to hear this, but hear it you must:


The fall of Aleppo is the beginning of the end for your proxy forces. You have to concede that the Syrian Army and allied forces have won. The only way to end the horrific humanitarian catastrophe is to give up on your silly policy of regime change and commit to a unified Syria.
