Ayatollah Mohsen Heydari:
Islam only has defensive aspects

Ayatollah Mohsen Heydari

RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Mohsen Heydari, the member of the Assembly of Experts, said that the basis of defense in Islam is clear that Islam only has defensive aspects, however in the case of absolute necessity, offensive aspects can also be found.


The Friday prayer leader of Ahvaz added that offensive actions themselves are also defensive. This means that until the power of a hegemonic power is not felt, there must be a powerful force against them which can bring them to the ground. The imperialist and tyrannical powers do not have any limit in their actions against the vulnerable people and nations.


He said that the only way to stop the oppression of the poor and oppressed nations by the imperialist powers is for the weak and vulnerable people to strengthen themselves in order to terrify the enemy. This is a rewording of the verse of the Holy Quran wherein God says, “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to terrify thereby the enemy of God and your enemy…” [8:60]

Ayatollah Heydari said that today, the imperialist powers, led by the United States, have attempted through various means to infiltrate Iran in their attempts to defeat and destroy the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation but fortunately, they have not been able to do so.


“They threaten Iran with the military option but in opposition to the military option, there is nothing else except through complete aptitude and preparedness on the defensive and offensive fronts. For this reason, the Supreme Leader has commanded the country’s armed forces to always be prepared,” he stressed.


His Eminence criticized those individuals within the country who have attempted to undermine Iran’s power and who question the country’s missile defense plans through their speech and behaviour. They are part of a phenomenon which unfortunately, due to their desire or love for Western civilization, have lost themselves. For this reason, they are not considered as independent individuals who stand on their own feet.


Ayatollah Heydari said those who say “Iran does not need missiles” are the remnants of the liberal thought of the merchant class.

