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It’s Now About Snatching Food Aid from the Starving

The outrageous Saudi-led war on Yemen is all about starving a nation and stealing its riches, where Western aid is eclipsed by the billions brought in through the bungling, deceitful sale of weapons to Saudis and their allies. `

Trump's Impeachment Highly Likely in 2019

Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm newspaper, underlined that given the mistakes made by US President Donald Trump and the pressures exerted on him from the politicians inside the country, his impeachment by the congress is highly possible.

2019 Year of Failure of US Plots, Victory of Resistance Front

Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm newspaper, referred to the withdrawal of the US forces from Syria and the Arab states' decision to reopen their embassies in Damascus, stressing that 2019 will bring failure for Washington and victory for the resistance front.

Pondering over 2018 ‎

Rasa – The principal of Jami’at Urwat al-Wuthqa Islamic Seminary in ‎Lahore gave an analysis ‎of some of the major events of 2018.‎

Omar Al-Bashir Paying Price for Confidence in S. Arabia

Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Ray al-Youm newspaper, referred to the recent unrests in different Sudanese towns, stressing that the country's President Omar al-Bashir is paying the price of joining the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen and cutting off relations with Iran.

Canada Looking for a Way Out of Complicity in Saudi War Crimes

Rasa - With growing international condemnation and outcry against Saudi Arabia’s bloody war on Yemen, grisly murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and increased tension between the Saudis and the West, Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau has confirmed for the first time that his government is openly looking for a way out of a $13 billion arms deal reached with the Saudis, but.