Girl Wearing Headscarf Attacked in Eastern Germany
An 11-year-old girl wearing a headscarf was injured in a suspected racist attack by two far-right extremists in the Eastern state of Saxony, Germany on Sunday, according to local reports.
Lib Dems candidate of Iranian origin comes under concerted attack
Bigots of all stripes have rounded up on a Liberal Democrats candidate from an ethnic minority background in the forthcoming general election.
Fresh turmoil as most serious strike in years hits France
New weekend travel turmoil has hit France after the most serious nationwide strike in years began for the third day in a row.
French MPs pass pro-Zionism resolution, defy warnings by advocates of Palestine rights
The lower house of France’s Parliament has passed a nonbinding resolution equating criticism of the Zionists occupying Palestinian territories with anti-Semitism, defying warnings that such a move could serve to stifle the advocates of Palestinian rights.
Protesters march to Buckingham Palace as NATO leaders attend reception
Several hundred protesters gathered in London's Trafalgar Square on Tuesday in protest against NATO and US President Donald Trump.
French vote one step closer to anti-Zionism ban
France’s media has remained nearly silent ahead of a vote on a resolution which is one step away from criminalizing opposition to Zionism.
Stabbing attack kills 2 in London, suspect shot dead
British police have shot dead a “male suspect” after a stabbing attack at the London Bridge that has left two people dead a number of others injured.
UN Envoy Warns Assange Will ‘Disappear for Rest of His Life’ Inside ‘Inhumane’ US Prison
The UN rapporteur on torture accused British and American authorities of waging a one-sided war against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, “violating due process at every step”, as Assange’s condition in prison deteriorates.
Corbyn Reveals 451-Page Secret Tory Plan to 'Sell' NHS to US
During a general election speech on Wednesday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn produced 451 pages of underacted documents which he says reveal UK government plans to put the National Health Service (NHS) on the table in trade deal negotiations with the US.